Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sick girls - Meninas doentes

A Cecilia ficou doente pela primeira vez! Coitadinha... Está tomando Amoxilina pra infecção no ouvido e depois ainda pegou um resfriado. Ficar doente fez ela comer mais sólidos e menos mamadeira...que bom, fórmula é caro!
Cecilia is sick for the first time! Poor girl! She is taking Amoxilin for an ear infection and then we found out that she also has a cold! Being sick made her eat more solid and less bottle...that's good because formula is expensive!

Learning process...

Hi everyone...I know that is no one reading my Blog because I haven't told anyone yet, well just the way thanks Laura for the tips!!! I am still learning how to do it, so please forgive me ...