Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Week/ Semana de Natal

I was sooooooooooooooooo excited for this Christmas season! I had so many plans. We were going to host Christmas dinner with some good friends over. I was gonna cook this and that.... bla, bla.........We had the worst week ever in our little family! We got a terrible stomach flu! Cecilia and mommy got an IV.

Well, Christmas week pretty much started with the branch dinner on Saturday. We had a good time with friends. Cecilia saw Santa and was really afraid of him. So, no gifts from Santa that night!

Santa gave Cici a Cinderella's kitchen that talks, a shopping cart, a cleaning kit with broom, mop, bucket, wipes, etc..books, juice and milk bottle for her baby, diapers for her baby. She was really happy with all her gifts.

We had a great Christmas dinner with friends at our place. And on Christmas morning Cecilia opened her presents with grandpa, grandma, aunt Rafa and great-grandma watching her. It was really good to have them "present"at this time.

A semana do Natal não foi a melhor de todas para nossa família. Todos ficamos bem mal do estômago. Começou com a Cici que acordou na madrugada de segunda vomitando. Depois fomos eu e o Luiz vomitando. A Cecilia e a mamãe tomaram soro.

Essa semana praticamente começou com o jantar de Natal do ramo. Estava bem divertido com bastante gente que a gente nunca viu na igreja...hehehe..normal...O papai-noel estava lá dando presentes para as crianças que sentassem no colo dele. Nossa pequena princesa estava morrendo de medo do papai noel. Toda vez que chegava perto ela se apavorava...Então ficou sem presentes.

Tivemos um jantar de Natal bem gostoso na nossa casa com alguns amigos. Na manhã de Natal a Cici abriu os presentes sendo assistida pelo vovô, vovó, bisa e tia Rafa. Foi muito bom ter eles "presentes"nesse momento. Ela ganhou do papai noel uma cozinha da Cinderella que fala, um carrinho de super-mercado, um kit de limpeza com rodo, vassoura, balde, paninhos...livros um quadrinho para desenhar, mamadeira de suco e leite para neném, fralda para neném..Ela adorou todos os presentes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our crazy love story/ Nossa louca história de amor

On December 20th we celebrate our 7th anniversary. I just can't believe it's been 7 years already! So we are going to delight you with our crazy love story.

We actually first met when Luiz was just back from his mission in Salvador/Bahia. He served with a very good friend of our family and went to my ward to visit his family and my friend's mom introduced him to me. He doesn't remember that, so we don't actually count it.

So here is how our story begins...

In 2001 my sister Rafaela was chatting on line with some friends from church and she started chatting with Luiz, because he served with our friend and bla, bla...So another day, I was on line chatting and she told me to start talking to this guy, his on line nickname was: Samuel, the lamanite. She said he seemed to be a nice guy. So I did, it was on a Sunday night, June 24th, 2001.

On June 30, 2001 it was the first time we met face to face. It was during at an Institute Party. We had no idea how each of us looked. I was just there talking to friends and my sister and we saw Luiz talking to our mutual friend's father and my sister said: Do you think it's him? And Luiz was asking everyone: Do you know Priscila Severo until he asked a friend of mine and she showed him who I was. These are his words (written in our journal): - When I looked at her she was smiling. I felt in love with her smile, it was the prettiest smile I had ever seen. So we talked for a long time, and everything had started.

On September 1st it was the first time Luiz asked me to be his girlfriend. We went to a park called Redenção and drank chimarrão ( a traditional drink in our state). I think I was a very cold person because we wouldn't stop asking me where my heart was. He wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend but couldn't do it. He was really nervous so after we went back home I called him and he "kinda" asked me to be his girlfriend, he said: - Why won't you be my girlfriend? I didn't say yes, I just said I wasn't ready.

ONE full year passed by, sometimes we talked, sometimes I ran away from him, but he was there, being sweet and trying to convince me to date him. I never dated anyone during this time.

On July 10th, 2002, right before my 20th birthday we kissed for the first time. We started going out again and we went to the movies and after that we were just talking and Luiz was really nervous and he asked if he could kiss me and I said: - I don't know. Hahaha. And so he kissed me.

On July 22nd, 2002 Luiz was at a friend's birthday dinner and I was at home and I sent him a text message saying: I'll be your girlfriend.

On December 22nd, our 5th "dating anniversary" we agreed that we would make each other a gift instead of buying it. I made him a basket full of homemade goodies, cookies, cheese sticks, grape juice...and he made me a PowerPoint presentation and gave me a big gift box that inside had another one, and another one, and on the last slide was the question: Will you marry me? And on the last tiny box was our wedding bands. Such a wonderful moment. So we sorta set up a date, that we would get married before March, 2004.

So, the BIG DAY was December 20th, 2003. We pretty much got married 3 times, like every brazilian lds member. We first got legally married, because temple marriage is not legally accepted, that night each of us went to our parents house, on the day, Saturday, 20th we got married at the temple. It was a crazy, crazy day. We had a lot of people waiting outside the temple to watch our sealing and Porto Alegre's temple is not big, we only have one big sealing room and one very small. I had a friend getting sealed on that same day and his was late, so they wanted to put us in the little room, but not half of our friends and family would fit there, so I (pretty mad at this moment) decided to wait. And after that we had our reception at my father ranch, it was and outside reception, and it started to rain, everything was wet and slippery. But we did it anyway and our almost 200 guests were there. (We also had a lot, I mean a lot of issues, with everything before and during that, the person that was going to do the reception decor, the saloon where I was going to do hair and makeup, the photographer...the list goes on, but you don't want to hear about that)

We had our honeymoon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We loved it! It is a pretty city and people were really nice, we also had our first married Christmas there, all by ourselves. LOVED IT!

On June 21st, 2009 we had our first daughter Cecilia. We love every minute of our lives together. We are looking forward to spend the whole eternity happy and in love.


No dia 20 de Dezembro comemoramos nosso sétimo aniversário de casamento. Não acredito que já fazem 7 anos. Então agora vamos divertí-los com nossa louca história de amor.

Na realidade a primeira vez que nos conhecemos foi quando o Luiz tinha acabado de voltar da missão Salvador/Bahia. Ele serviu com um bom amigo da família e foi na nossa ala visitar a família dele. A mãe de meu amigo nos apresentou. Ele não lembra disso, então não contamos.

Então aqui é como nossa história começa…

Em 2001 minha irmã Rafaela estava conversando com alguns amigos na internet e começou a converser com o Luiz, porque ele tinha servido com nosso amigo e tudo mais. Então outro dia, eu estava conversando com amigos on line e ela me disse para converser com este cara, seu apelido na internet era: Samuel, o lamanita. Ela disse que ele parecia ser um cara legal. Então começei a converser com ele, foi um domingo a noite, 24 de junho de 2001.

No dia 30 de Junho de 2001 foi a primeira vez que nos conhecemos pessoalmente. Foi durante uma festa junina no Instituto de Religião da Igreja. Não tínhamos a menor idéia de como o outro era. Eu estava conversando com amigos e minha irmã e vimos o Luiz conversando com o pai desse nosso amigo em comum e pensamos: Será que é ele? Enquando isso o Luiz estava perguntando para todo mundo: Você conhece a Priscila Severo? Até que ele encontrou uma amiga que o mostrou quem eu era. Essas são as palavras dele (escritas em nosso diário): - Quando a olhei ela estava sorrindo. Me apaixonei pelo sorriso dela, foi o sorriso mais lindo que já vi. Então conversamos por um tempão, e daí tudo começou.

Dia primeiro de setembro foi a primeira vez que Luiz me pediu em namoro. Fomos a um parque chamado Redenção, tomamos chimarrão. Eu acho que era uma pessoa muito fria porque ele ficou o tempo todo me perguntando onde meu coração estava. Ele queria ter me pedido em namoro mas não conseguiu. Ele estava bem nervosa, então depois que cada um foi para sua casa, eu liguei pra ele e ele praticamente me pediu em namoro falando: - Porque tu não namora comigo? Eu não disse sim, só disse que não estava preparada.

UM ano inteiro se passou, algumas vezes conversávamos, outras eu fugia dele, mas ele estava sempre lá doce e tentando me convencer a namorar com ele. Não namoramos ninguém durante esse tempo.

No dia 10 de julho de 2002, logo antes do meu aniversário de 20 anos nos beijamos pela primeira vez. Começamos a sair novamente logo antes disso e neste dia fomos ao cinema e depois do filme estávamos conversando e ele perguntou se podia me beijar e eu disse: - Não sei. Hahahaha. Então ele me beijou.

No dia 22 de julho de 2002, o Luiz estava numa festa de aniversário de um amigo e eu estava em casa e mandei um torpedo para ele dizendo: Aceito namorar contigo.

No dia 22 de Dezembro, nosso quinto mês de namoro, combinamos que cada um ia fazer um presente para dar para o outro. Eu fiz pra ele uma cesta cheia de guloseimas, com biscoitos, palitinhos de queijo, suco de uva….e ele me fez uma apresentação no PowerPoint e me deu uma caixa grande que dentro tinha outra, e dentro outra menor e no ultimo slide estava a pergunta: Quer casar comigo? E na última caixinha estavam nossas alianças. Foi um momento maravilhoso. Mais ou menos marcamos uma data, de que casaríamos até Março de 2004.

Então o GRANDE DIA foi dia 20 de dezembro de 2003. Praticamente casamos 3 vezes como toto brasileiro mórmon. Casamos no civil no dia 19, fomos cada um para casa dos nossos pais e no dia 20 sábado nos selamos no Templo de Porto Alegre. Foi um dia muito louco. Tínhamos bastante pessoas esperando for a no templo para assistir nosso selamento. O templo de Porto Alegre não é grande e só tem 2 salas de selamento, uma mais ou menos grande e uma pequeninha. Um amigo do interior estava se selando no mesmo dia, e estava atrasado e queriam nos colocar na sala pequena que não caberia metade dos nossos convidos. E eu (já bem brava) decidi que iríamos esperar. Depois disse tivemos a recepção no sítio da minha família, era uma recepção na rua e começou a chover, tudo estava molhado e escorregadio. Mas fizemos de qualquer jeito e nossos quase 200 convidados estavam lá. (Também tivemos muitos problemas antes e durante a festa, a mulher que fez a decoração, o salão que iria me arrumar, o fotógrafo, a chuva….a lista continua, mas vocês não querem saber disso tudo).

Tivemos nossa lua de mel em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Adoramos! É uma cidade muito bonita e as pessoas foram muito legais, também passamos lá nosso primeiro natal de casados, só nós dois. ADORAMOS!!

No dia 21 de junho de 2009 tivemos nossa primeira filha Cecilia. Amamos cada minuto de nossas vidas juntos e estamos ansiosamente esperando passer a eternidade felizes e apaixonados.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving break/ Feriadão de Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving break is almost over. We are already feeling sad about it because we had such a wonderful time. Luiz had to work but no school, so he had more time for his girls! It was a lazy family week. We took much needed naps, played together, watched movies.

We had a great thanksgiving lunch with some friends. Cecilia had a lot o fun playing with friends. She is finally learning how to play by her self without having me by her side every time, which is great!

Today we went sledding right behind our apartment building. It was really fun. Cecilia was all dressed up, she could barely move. It is hard for her to walk with snow boots. She liked sledding with daddy.

* * *

O feriadão de Thanksgiving está quase acabando e já estamos com saudades. Foram dias muito bons. Luiz não teve aula durante toda a semana, só teve que trabalhar, então sobrou mais tempo para passar com suas meninas. Nos divertimos bastante em família, tiramos sonecas, brincamos, assistimos filmes.
Tivemos um ótimo almoço de Thanksgiving com amigos. Cecilia se divertiu bastante brincando com amiguinhos. Ela finalmente está aprendendo a brincar sozinha, sem ter eu sempre do lado dela, o que é muito bom!Hoje fomos escorregar na neve atrás do nosso prédio. Foi bem divertido. Cecilia tava toda enroupada que mal conseguia se mexer. Ela adorou escorregar na neve junto com o papai.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cecilia playing with tia Rafa - Cecilia brincando com tia Rafa

This is a video from September I think of Cici playing with tia Rafa.

* * *

Esse é um vídeo de setembro da Cici brincando com a tia Rafa.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cecilia's First visit to ER

Early this morning was Cecilia's first visit to ER. She wasn't sleeping at all at night. I thought she was hungry and gave her a little bit of milk. Right after that she started throwing up. In less the 2 hour she had vomited 5 times. So we decided to take her to the hospital, it was around 5 am.

She doctor examined her and gave her some iv fluids and also did some blood tests. He said it was a food bug. She is doing much better now, eating good and everything.


Essa madrugada foi a primeira visita da Cecilia a Emergência do Hospital. Ela não estava dormindo durante a noite. Pensei que tava com fome e dei um leite pra ela. Logo em seguida ela começou a vomitar. Em menos de 2 horas tinha vomitado 5 vezes. Decidimos levá-la ao hospital por volta das 5 horas.

O médico a examinou e deu soro e fizeram uns exames de sangue. Ele disse que era alguma coisa que ela comeu. Ela está bem melhor agora, comendo bem e tudo mais.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Cecilia talking on the phone...I think she was calling daddy to come home soon.

Cecilia falando ao telefone...acho que ela estava ligando pro papai vir logo pra casa.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's been a while

I know it's been a while I don't post anything. We are still alive and happy....I've been busy writing a new blog in Portuguese. It's a "lds mommy blog". There aren't many mommy's blogs in Portuguese so I decided to start writing one. It's It's been a lot of fun writing it.

Cecilia is 16 months old and even cuter. She is adorable. She likes to play with her blocks, she loves to read. She goes to her room, picks up a book or two and brings it to me so we can read it together. She likes to go outside for walks. She love to go see the temple, which we can from our apartment complex. She says: "popo"for temple. She already says some other words like: papai, moma, vovó, Afa(aut Rafa), please, thank you and a few others.

Every day that goes by I love even more being a stay at home mom. It is wonderful to be able to teach her things like praying, singing, reading. I love watching her grow and do a different thing every day.

Luiz is taking 21 credits at school this semester so he's been very busy with homework, projects and everything else. He only has one more semester to go! We are so happy to be almost done...

We had a great Halloween. Cecilia was a cute "Minnie Mouse". We went trunk or treating at the complex. It was fun.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer time!!!

Yeah, I think I decided to post and post today!!! Summer has been great. We are having a lot of fun with our cute daughter. She loves going outside and play, she loves to play with other kids. She loves the water.

Last Saturday we went to the Idaho Falls Zoo, we had a great time there. Cici loved all the animals and had a lot of fun.

Everyday Cecilia wakes up and asks to go outside. Sometimes she stops in front of the door just waiting for us to take her out. She likes to play at the playground right behind us.

We also went to the Spray Park a couple of times. She looks soooo cute in her swimsuit! She loved it. We had a few picnics there too.

We still want to go to Yellowstone this year, it will be our last here in Idaho so we have to enjoy! We love Idaho so much that we are going to miss it here!

O verão tem sido ótimo. Estamos nos divertindo bastante com nossa filha. Ela adora sair pra brincar, brincar com outras crianças e fazer bagunça na água.

No sábado passado fomos ao Zoológico de Idaho Falls, foi muito legal. A Cecilia adorou todos os animais e se divertiu bastante.

Todo o dia a Cici acorda e pede para ir para rua. As vezes ela fica na frente na porta só esperando alguém levar ela. Ela adora brincar na pracinha que tem atrás do nosso prédio.

Nós fomos ao Spray Park algumas vezes. A Cici fica tão linda de maiô! Ela adorou. Nós fizemos alguns picnics lá também.

Ainda queremos ir ao Yellowstone esse ano. É nosso último ano em Idaho então temos que aproveitar. Adoramos aqui e vamos sentir muita saudade.

Hooded Towel

Cecilia had outgrown her hooded towels so I looked for a bigger one and found at Kmart for $16.00. I didn't like the price so I decided to make my own. It's soooooo easy, you only need 1 bath towel and 1 hand towel. All it takes it's 2 seems and it is done, and you can customize it the way you want it!! Cecilia love it by the way!

Cecilia está maior que suas toalhas com capuz então eu procurei uma maior e encontrei no Kmart por $16,00. Eu não gostei do preço então decidi fazer uma. É muito fácil, tudo que tu precisa é uma toalha de banho e uma de rosto. Com duas costuras está tudo pronto e você pode customizar como quiser. Cecilia adorou!!!

Cici is walking!!

I think it's been about a month that she really started walking...she still has some ups and downs but she is doing great! She walks around the apartment by her self all day long...she is a cutie! As you can see when Luiz is studying in the bedroom she keeps knocking on the door all the time.. She speaks a lot and dances and does everything else...she says Amen after the prayer, she puts her hands together to pray...

Acho que já faz mais ou menos um mês que a Cici tá realmente caminhando...ela ainda tem uns altos e baixos mas está indo super bem! Ela caminha por todo o apartamento o dia inteiro...ela é linda! Como dá pra ver quando o Luiz está estudando no quarto ela fica batendo na porta o tempo todo...Ela conversa bastante e dança e faz tudo mais. Ela diz Amen depois da oração, junta as mãos pra orar...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well I got 1 year older this week. I am 28 years old now! But can you tell? Hahah! My gray hair certainly can!

Luiz has just finished one more semester at school. Wow, only 2 more to go! He will be graduating April 2011. We still don't know what we are going to do from there. Maybe Master's, maybe Brazil...We will see...

Cecilia and I had a wonderful time back at home in Porto Alegre. She got to know a lot of new people. She learned a lot. She loved hanging out with grandma and grandpa. She is crazy about dogs now! Actually every animal she sees now it's a "uauau". She loved playing with her cute little cousin Caio. He is just adorable. She wanted to hold him and kiss him. We had her One Year birthday party there. It was great! We had a lot of friends and family over. She had a lot of fun. She did pretty good during all the flights. But it is good to be back home. Home is where the heart is, right? And right now my heart is here in Rexburg, Idaho. I missed my hubby so much.

Cici is almost walking now. She (we) spent the whole day walking around the apartament, she holds my hand everywhere she goes. Sometimes she just goes and doesn't care if I am holding here or not until she falls down. She is trying to say some words. She likes to copy everything we do.


Bem, eu fiquei um ano mais velha essa semana. Tenho 28 anos agora! Mas dá pra perceber??? Pelos cabelos brancos dá. hahaha!

Luiz acabou mais um semestre da faculdade. Só faltam mais 2 agora. Ele se forma em abril de 2011. Ainda não sabemos o que vamos fazer a partir de lá. Talvez MBA, talvez voltar para o Brasil. Vamos ver...

Cecilia e eu passamos por ótimos momentos em Porto Alegre. Ela conheceu muitas pessoas. Aprendeu bastante. Ela adorava brincar com a vovó e o vovô. Ela adora cachorros agora. Na realidade qualquer animal que ela vê é um "auau". Ela adorou brincar com seu priminho lindo o Caio. Ela queria abraçar ele e beijar. Fizemos sua festa de 1 ano lá. Foi muito legal, teve bastante família e amigos. Ela se divertiu bastante. Ela se comportou muito bem durante todos os vôos. mas é bom estar de volta em casa. Afinal, o lar é onde o coração está né? E agora meu coração está em Rexburg, Idaho. Senti muitas saudades do meu maridinho.

A Cici está quase caminhando. Ela (nós) passamos o dia inteiro caminhando pelo apartamento segurando a minha mão por tudo que é lugar que vai. As vezes ela não quer saber se eu to segurando ela ou não, ela só sai andando. Ela já está tentando falar algumas coisas e adora copiar tudo que fazemos.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Trip to Brazil with Cici

Cecilia and I are in Porto Alegre, Brasil visiting family and friends. We had a very long airplane trip that it actually started with a car trip to Salt Lake City last thursday. Our flight to NYC left Abril 16th at 8:30 am. We were at the airport around 7. Thankfully they allowed Luiz to pass through security with us. It was a great help and we could kiss goodbye on the last minute.

Cecilia was a joy to travel with. She slept through the first take off and first landing in NY. She had a lot of fun in the airplane and was very successfull with the flight attendants.

We arrived in NYC about 4 hours before our next flight. I thought it was going t be plenty of time but it wasn´t. That airport is huge!!!! And to help there are no signs, people were just telling me where to go. After going down in the elivator the door opened and I am outside with a hungry, tired and crying baby, it was cold and very windy. There was no sign showing where I should go next. I was getting so frustraded and just wanted to go back home and a man shows up from nowhere and ask me where I needed to go. I told him and he said: Okay, I´ll take you take. He had no name tag on him, no uniforn, I didn´t see where he came from...I was so nervous he was taking me and my daughter some place else I just started do pray....I was in NYC....He took me to the right place where I needed to take the train and go the terminal I had to. I was so grateful!

After that, another long line to check in. After one and a half hour I think I finally got to go to the boarding area and it was almost time to board. I still needed to call my hubby to let him know we were okay. He was getting nervous with no news from us he called the airline company and they told him it was time to start the boarding process right when I called him.

Cecilia was a joy to travel with. So sweet and calm.
We finally arrived in Rio where people were not very friendly with a mom traveling alone with a 9 months old baby! Not even the flight attendants! I was already so tired and sore that anything was driving me crazy and I needed to stay calm for my daughter.

We finally arrived in Porto Alegre and saw all the family there waiting for us! I was happy to be there but already missing my hubby!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Preparando-se para Páscoa - Getting ready for Easter

It might be too early but I am so excited for Cecilia's first Easter, that we had just started on a few Easter projects! Yesterday we (me) made a wreath that I think it's so cute and super easy to make! I am still thinking about the next project...I think I am going to make some chocolate eggs later for Luiz and I. Cici also loved to play with the plastic eggs! Any other suggestion?

Pode ser meio cedo mas eu estou tão animada para primeira Páscoa da Cecilia que já começamos alguns projetos! Ontem nós (eu) fiz uma guirlanda que é muito linda e fácil de fazer. Ainda estou pensando no próximo projeto... Acho que mais tarde vou fazer uns ovos de chocolate pra mim e pro Luiz. A Cici adorou brincar com os ovos de plástico. Alguma outra sugestão?

Monday, March 8, 2010

What's for dinner?? O que tem de janta??

I have decided to make a meal plan!! Anna gave me the idea! Sometimes I spend the whole day thinking about what I am going to make for dinner and nothing comes to my mind! So, I am writing down everything I like to make and new recipes I want to cook and I chose one recipe for each day! I hope it is going to make my life easier because I always have a hard time deciding what to do!!

Eu decidi fazer um cardápio! Anna me deu a idéia! Algumas vezes passo o dia inteiro pensando no que fazer de janta e nada me vem na cabeça! Então, estou escrevendo tudo que gosto de fazer e receitas novas que quero tentar e escolho uma receita pra cada dia! Espero que vá facilitar minha vida porque sou muito enrolada pra decidir o que fazer!

**The picture is Cecilia eating beans for the first time! She loved it! Na foto é a Cecilia comento feijão pela primeira vez! Ela adorou!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Porto Alegre é demais!!!

This is the most beautiful song about our city. It was written by our current mayor and it is sung by his wife. It won't be the same if I translate it.

Porto Alegre é Demais

Isabela Fogaça

Composição: José Fogaça

Porto Alegre é que tem
Um jeito legal
É lá que as gurias etc... e tal

Nas manhãs de domingo
Esperando o Gre-Nal
Passear pelo Brique
Num alto astral

Porto Alegre me faz
Tão Sentimental
Porto Alegre me dói
Não diga a ninguém
Porto Alegre me tem
Não leve a mal
A saudade é demais
É lá que eu vivo em paz

Quem dera eu pudesse
Ligar o rádio e ouvir
Uma nova canção
Do Kleiton e Kledir

Andar pelos bares
Nas noites de abril
Roubar de repente
Um beijo fadio

Porto Alegre me faz
Tão Sentimental
Porto Alegre me dói
Não diga a ninguém
Porto Alegre me tem
Não leve a mal
A saudade é demais
É lá que eu vivo em paz

Porto Alegre me dói
Não diga a ninguém
Porto Alegre me tem
Não leve a mal
A saudade é demais
É lá que eu vivo em paz

Porto Alegre é demais!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sick girls - Meninas doentes

A Cecilia ficou doente pela primeira vez! Coitadinha... Está tomando Amoxilina pra infecção no ouvido e depois ainda pegou um resfriado. Ficar doente fez ela comer mais sólidos e menos mamadeira...que bom, fórmula é caro!
Cecilia is sick for the first time! Poor girl! She is taking Amoxilin for an ear infection and then we found out that she also has a cold! Being sick made her eat more solid and less bottle...that's good because formula is expensive!

Learning process...

Hi everyone...I know that is no one reading my Blog because I haven't told anyone yet, well just the way thanks Laura for the tips!!! I am still learning how to do it, so please forgive me ...