Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sick girls - Meninas doentes

A Cecilia ficou doente pela primeira vez! Coitadinha... Está tomando Amoxilina pra infecção no ouvido e depois ainda pegou um resfriado. Ficar doente fez ela comer mais sólidos e menos mamadeira...que bom, fórmula é caro!
Cecilia is sick for the first time! Poor girl! She is taking Amoxilin for an ear infection and then we found out that she also has a cold! Being sick made her eat more solid and less bottle...that's good because formula is expensive!


Mama Baer | said...

bem vinda ao maravilhoso mundo dos blogs!

Priscila Terra said...

Uhu!!! Meu primeiro comentário! Hahahah!

Jenkins Family said...

So cute! (and I'm impressed by your putting in both english and portuguese! I at least have Ben to translate if I needed!)