Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Natal e tudo mais
Well, Well, it’s been a while I don’t post anything here. It’s hard to have 3 blogs! What a shame! I’ll try to most more frequently.
Esse Natal foi diferente para nós, mas ao mesmo tempo foi legal. Foi nosso primeiro Natal depois de formados e sentimos a falta de alguns amigos que sempre passamos o Natal juntos em Rexburg. Esse ano tivemos a família os sogros do meu irmão. Eles estavam visitando a filha deles que mora em West Jordan. E nos reunimos como “família”. Foi legal porque a Cici teve uma experiência com vovô e vovó, mesmo que tenham sido emprestados do primo.
This Christmas was a little different for us, but at the same time fun. It was our first Christmas after graduation and we missed some friends that we always spend Christmas with in Rexburg. This year we had my brother’s in laws. They were visiting their daughter that lives in West Jordan and we got together as a “family”. It was good for Cici because she could experienced having grandparents together, even if she have to borrow from her cousin Caio.
Esse ano a Cici não teve medo do papai noel e até tirou foto com ele. Foi bem divertido contar a história do Natal para Cici durante esse tempo. Ela aprendeu sobre o menino Jesus e agora quando vê uma figura de Cristo fala que é o "baby Jesus" mesmo sendo crescido já.
Cecilia was not afraid of Santa this year. She even took a picture with him. It was very fun to tell her the Christmas Story during this holiday season. She learned about baby Jesus and now every time she sees a picture of Christ she says it’s baby Jesus even if He is all grown up.
Tivemos a oportunidade de ir ver as luzes na Praça do Templo 2 vezes. Está tudo muito lindo! Ainda queremos ir essa semana novamente antes que eles desliguem tudo.
We also had the chance to go see the lights at temple square twice. It’s so beautiful! We still want to go there this week before they turn them all off.
A Cecilia está cada vez mais esperta. Falando metade inglês, metade português. Hoje ela foi pra geladeira falando: Eat something (comer alguma coisa). Abriu a geladeira e ficou olhando e falou:”There is nothing here (não tem nada aqui), comprar Walmart.” Vê se eu posso!!!
Cecilia is getting smarter every day. Speaking half English, half Portuguese. Today she went to the fridge saying just like this: “Eat something. She opened it and looked and looks and said: There is nothing here, comprar Walmart (buy at Walmart)”.
Aqui vão algumas foto do nosso natal. Here are some Christmas pictures.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Ele voltou! He is back!
After almost 2 months apart our family is back together! Luiz was able to run away from Hurricane Irene from NY in one of the last flights available. Cici's reaction at the airport she she saw him was the sweetest thing! We could see how much she missed him but didn't know how to express herself. She ran towards him and never let go of his neck! After that at home she would call him for everything, change her diaper, give her a bath, brush her teeth. And everywhere he went there she was wrapping her arms around his legs.
Estamos muito contentes agora com toda a família reunida! É muito bom ter ele de volta mesmo que tenha mais roupas pra lavar e passar! Hehehe!
We are extremely happy having our family back together even if it means to do more laundry and iron his shirts! hehehe!
Ontem, eu começei a fazer aulas de francês! Há muitos anos quero estudar e finalmente resolvi!!! Estou muito animada com todo o trabalho pela frente que vou ter para aprender de verdade. O professor é francês e dá aulas na Universidade de Utah e também na BYU- Salt Lake.
Yesterday I started taking French classes! It's been a long time I wanted to do and finally got into it! I am very excited with all the hard work ahead of me to be able to really learn! The teacher is french and also teaches at UofU and BYU - Salt Lake.
Neste final de semana vamos ter a Conferência da nossa estaca e a reunião de domingo vai ser no Tabernáculo, legal né?! E também estou animada para a Conferência Geral junto com o aniversário do meu amor!
This weekend we'll have our Stake Conference and the Sunday meeting will take place at the Tabernacle. Cool, huh? And I really looking forward to General Conference next month along with my hubby's b-day!
Estamos retomando o tempo perdido e passeando bastante em família e nos divertindo! Família é tudo!!
We are enjoying our time together and having a lot of family fun! Family is everything!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Quanto tempo!
Some things had happened since the last time I wrote. No big deal, just life moving forward.
Luiz finally started working in June. It’s funny to think that he has this job since January I think, graduated in April and started working in June.
Minha irmã Rafa saiu em missão no dia 12/maio. Ela está servindo na missão Brasil Campinas/SP. Para quem quer saber mais sobre ela aqui está o blog da Sister Severo: Ela está servindo na mesma missão que nosso sobrinho Israel Duarte.
My baby sister left on an LDS mission in May 12th. She is serving in the Brazil Campinas/SP mission. If you want to know more about her work check out her blog: She is serving on the same mission our nephew Israel Duarte is.
A nossa amada princesinha Cecilia completou 2 anos de idade no dia 21 de junho de2011.Ela já está uma adolescente! Cheia de idéias e manias! Tivemos a festa aqui no ndomínio com amigos muito queridos. O Luiz teve um "mini encontro missionário" com seu primeiro companheiro de missão e o presidente de missão que vieram para a festinha.
Our sweet little princess turned 2 on June 12th, 2011! She is already a teenager! She has a mind of her own! We had a little party, Brazilian style here with some wonderful friends! Luiz had a little missionary meeting with his first mission companion that was able to come and his mission president.
Há 3 semanas atrás o Luiz foi para New York participar de um treinamento da empresa por 6 semanas!! Ainda temos mais 4 semanas pela frente mais ou menos! Então, eu e a Cici temos todo o tempo do mundo! Acordamos tarde de vez em quando, tiramos sonecas, brincamos, passeamos, gastamos o dinheiro do papai! Hahaha! Felizmente o tempo tem passado rápido e logo estaremos juntos novamente!
About 3 weeks ago Luiz went to New York for a 6 weeks company training. We still have abot 4 more weeks to go. Cici and I have plenty of time!! We wake up late sometimes, take naps, play, go out, spend daddy’s money!!! Lots and lots of fun!!! Fortunately time is going by faster than we imagined and soon we will be together again!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Fim de Férias
Mas o tempo foi muito bom enquanto durou! Aproveitamos bastante, saimos pra passear quando não estava chovendo, fomos ao Zoo, Praça do Templo várias vezes, biblioteca, piscina, banheira de hidro... O Luiz começa a trabalhar dia 02 de junho e daí a vida vai começar!
Before we came to SLC we thought Luiz's 2 months of vacation( mine too because he helps me more at home) were going to take forever to go by. We only have 2 weeks left!!! It has been a great time for our family. Cecilia and I are going to miss him sooo much. Every time he goes to the bathroom or leaves to check the mail box she asks for him and looks for him all over the apartment.
But this time was very good! We enjoyed it a lot. We went for walks when was not raining, went to the Zoo, temple square many times, library, swiming pool, hot tub... Luiz starts to work on June 2nd and so life will begin!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Formatura - Mudança
No dia 10 de abril mudamos para Salt Lake. Para fazer a mudança tivemos a ajudar dos missionários do ramo, nosso querido mestre familiar, ex-colega de trabalho do Luiz e presidente da escola dominical do ramo com seus dois filhos que ajudaram bastante. Duas irmãs foram nos ajudar a limpar o apartamento, o que foi muito bom!!! Obrigada! A viagem para SLC foi tranquila, eu fui dirigindo o carro com a Cici e o Luiz o caminhão na frente. Chegando aqui tivemos ajuda de amigos e amigos de amigos!!
O Luiz descobriu uma nova profissão: de montador de móveis! Hehehe! Coitado teve que montar tudinho, cadeira por cadeira...claro que com ajuda da Cici alcançando pregos, chave de fenda...muito trabalhadora. Ainda estamos arrumando as coisas, descobrindo o lugar de cada coisa. A Cici está finalmente se adaptando.
Somos vizinhos do Cemitério de Brigham Young - estamos bem seguros e em 3 minutinhos à pé estamos na praça do Templo. Estamos bem felizes com nosso novo apê.
Nosso carro teve seus últimos dias de vida essa semana. Ele já vinha com problema, mas não temos $$ pra arrumar e logo queremos trocar de carro então fomos andando...até que sábado quase não chegamos em casa! Estacionamos o carro no estacionamento e ele não ligou mais. Hoje levamos no mecânico mas para arrumar ainda vai sair muito caro e não temos como fazer agora então vamos ficar sem carro por enquanto. Ainda bem que estamos bem no centro e tem transporte público e tudo por perto.
On April 8th Luiz graduated in Computer Information Technology. We are very happy with the graduation and very proud! He graduated Cuma - Laude,with record number of graduated students (over 1600 students).We loved the almost 4 years we spent in Rexburg. We learned a lot, growed as husband and wife, added a little one to our family. We have been very blessed by the Lord.
On April 10th we moved to SLC. We had the help of the branch missionaries, our dear home teacher, Luiz's former co-worker also a member of the branch and the Sunday School president along with his 2 kids. We also had the help of two sisters cleaning up which was very good, thank you so much! The trip was pretty good. I drove the car with Cici and Luiz was in front of us driving the truck. Arriving here we had the help of friends andfriends of friends!
Luiz has found a new profession: furniture "assembler". Hehe! He had to assemble everything, chair by chair...of course with Cici always helping ou, handing him screws, screw drivers...she is a har worker. We are still putting everything in it's place. Cici is finally adapting.
We are Brigham Young's neighbors, his cemitery is right above us! And we are also 3 minutes away (walking) from the Temple Square. We are very happy with our new place!
Our car had his last days of life this week. It already had a problem but it would be too expensive to fix it so we were just driving it saturday we barely made it home! We parked the car and it never turned on again! The mechanic saw it today but it's still too expencise to fix it so we are "car less" for now. I am glad we are right in downtown and we have public transportation and also everything close by!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Irmãzinha na Missão
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Vamos sentir muitas saudades de Rexburg. Adoramos muito esses 3 anos e meio que passamos aqui. Vamos sentir falta de chegar em qualquer lugar em no máximo 10 minutos, de ter que tirar o carro da neve para sair de casa de manhã. Vamos sentir falta de internet e tv à cabo de graça.
Luiz já conseguiu um emprego com uma ótima empresa em Salt Lake City. Vamos mudar para lá um dia depois da formatura e morar bem pertinho da praça do templo, pelo menos nos próximos seis meses.
In less than 3 weeks my wonderful husband graduates at BYU-Idaho. We are veru happy and excited with the new chapter of our lives!
We are going to miss Rexburg a lot. We loved the 3 and half years we've had here. We will miss getting anywhere in just 10 minutes, having to dig the car out of the snow to leave in the morning. We will definitely miss free cable and internet.
Luiz already has a job with a great company in Salt Lake City. We are moving there a day after graduation and will live right by temple square for at least the next 6 months.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Cantando e dançando/Dancing and singing
Last week Cici got from grandma Galinha Pintadinha's dvd that she already loved to watch on Youtube. Here she is singing and dancing.
Cecilia comendo sozinha/Cecilia eating by herself
Now when we are going to eat I take Cici's plate to the big table and she starts saying: mesa(table), to put on her table. Many times there are more food on her clothes and on the floor than in her mounth, but she has to learn right? And it's so nice to watch her eat all by herself, all grown up.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Favorite Spot/ Lugar Favorito
Ela tá recém começando a subir nas coisas, no sofá, cama...outro dia estava tirando louça da máquina de lavar quando viro pra máquina tá ela em cima da tampa
Outro dia estávamos almoçando e quando olho pra ela ela tá enfiando alguma coisa no nariz. Eu digo: - Não acredito que tu tá fazendo o que eu to pensando....quando vejo tá enfiando um milho dentro do nariz. Ela gosta de por giz de cera pendurado no nariz também...
Cici's favorite spot at home is inside the fridge. She loves to open it, see what's there, get something, sit down and eat...thankfully energy is included on the rent.
She is just starting to get the hang of climbing up on stuff, like couch, bed...the other day I was unloading the dishwasher and when I turned there she was, sitting on top of the opened door.
The other day we were having lunch and when I look at her she is pushing something inside her nose. I said: - I can't believe you are doing what I think you are doing....when I see she is pushing a little corn kernel. She also likes to put crayons and other stuff in her fun....
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sou uma Diva! I am a Diva!
I am very pretty! I love to be very well dressed, I have more clothes than my mom and dad! I love to polish my fingernails e put lipstick and makeup on! Not that I need to do all that because I am already naturally beautiful!